Notes for TurboLab 7 ====================== Changes in this revision ==================================================================================== Rev. 2404.4: - Fix issue with not opening AUTOSAR files correctly (HWVE-20807). Rev. 2404.3: - Fix issue with not showing all characters correctly in output window while running script - OEM character file not found while starting with TLStarter (HWVE-20587). Rev. 2404.2: - Fix issue with not showing all characters correctly in output window while running script (HWVE-20587). Rev. 2404.1: - Added new script function GetCursorValues (HWVE-19409). - Added new script function copy_text (HWVE-19593). - Improved functionality for reading AUTOSAR files (HWVE-14581). - Fix issue with TurboLab starting delayed if unknown printer installed as default printer (HWVE-14931). - Fix issue with not showing all signals and getting wrong values with CAN trace file and AUTOSAR database (HWVE-19522). - Fix issue with automatical calculation of the number of decimal places (HWVE-13641). - Fix issue with reading of AUTOSAR file (HWVE-18039). - Fix issue with unzipping of data blocks of time signals (HWVE-18743). - Fix issue with setting selected signal information in title line if single-line output is set (HWVE-12807) - Fix issue with not loading all units from TLUnits.ulb. - Fix issue with incorrect starting times while exporting MDF4 files. - Fix issue with sometimes taking the incorrect sampling point for a lookup conversion type. Rev. 2310.2: - Fix issue with displaying physical values. When conversions contain another conversion, second one doesn't get evaluated. - Fix translation of CURVE export dialog into English. - Fix issue with crash while opening bus logging file (HWVE-16828). - Fix issue with drawing curves if there are invalid values (HWVE-16541). - Fix issue with not drawing the whole curves (HWVE-13082). Rev. 2310.1: - Performance improvement: using SR blocks while opening MDF 4 file (HWVE-15821). - Fix crash with buslogging files (HWVE-16502). - Fix problem with Postprozessor not generating MDF4 file: Trace2MDF4.dll (HWVE-16400). Rev. 2305.5: - Drawing / scaling of stacked y-axis improved (HWVE-15224, HWVE-15226). - Save all selected signal information in clipboard and file (HWVE-12807). - Fix issue with error message at BLF import (HWVE-13456). - Moved from MiniZip to MiniZip-NG 4.0.0 Rev. 2305.3: - Leading zeros for array-signals (LAN) (HWVE-12771). - Processing of authentication headers in PCAP files. More signals are being detected (HWVE-12771). - Validation when reading PCAP files, invalid or none-SomeIP packages are safely skipped (HWVE-12771). - Fix issue with losing signal data in layout and subsequent previews when cancelling preview of signals (HWVE-14388). - Update to MiniZip v1.2.13. - Problem while displaying very long filenames in tooltip solved (HWVE-15075). - Text in "move curve" dialog extended (HWVE-13149). - Drawing / scaling of stacked y-axis improved (HWVE-15224, HWVE-15226). - Add data files opened via double-click to recent file list (HWVE-12804). - Fix issue with app crash after opening MDF4 file (HWVE-13455). Rev. 2305.2: - Before the new installation, it is checked whether a TurboLab version is already installed. If this is the case, the old version will be uninstalled first. - Fix layouts are shown correctly - Fix issue with reading bus logging file Rev. 2305.1: - Fix representation of hex values - Fix collapsing tree view when bit 8 of MF4_BITS was set - fix display error in curve of calculated signal - fix OpenStreetMap maps now working without mapbox - fix add possibility to add columns when there was no column displayed - Changed LAN names for signals (data type names added) - MatLab interface updated to version R2023a Rev. 2301.6: - Fixed crash in changing to print view. Rev. 2301.5: - Fixed display of the maps. Rev. 2301.4: - Fixed display error of calculated signals. Rev. 2301.3: - Fixed color signal is not generated or shown correctly. - Fixed several potential crashes. - Upgraded version for DMD file filter to latest version. - Several improvements for AddOn workspace usage. - Fixed issue with column based storage in MDF4.2 - Fixed crash in analysis of ethernet traces. - Added build number to version info of TurboLab. - Fixed memory issue with recursion in scripts. - Fixed menu icon artifact issues. - Fixed issues with moving signal. - Fixed issue with MDF export. - Fixed issue with reading last block of TDM files. Rev 2301.2: - Memory problems during start of application fixed. Rev 2301.1: - Failure during import of PCAP bus trace files corrected. - Allow input of reference values also between zero and one in FFT-Options dialog. - SI bus number mapping was not correctly exported to MDF. This problem is solved now. - Failure during installation of DS7 file filter has been fixed. - Consideration of AM / PM time information during parsing time stamp of ASCII bus trace files (*.ASC). - Status bar text displays menu info correctly while mouse hovering. Rev 2301.0: - When applying a calculation formula to a signal, the configuration dialog was not always closed correctly. That has been fixed. - Several memory leaks during MDF import fixed. - zLib library updated to version 1.2.13. - Only first signal of imported ASCII file with x signal was drawn correctly. This problem is solved now. - Bug fix for usage of MDF SR blocks during drawing. - Improvements for shifting individual signals. - Bus database manager can handle empty *.dbc files, i.e. does not get stuck in an endless loop. - Crash due to read error in MDF 4.2 fixed. - Problems during ASCII export fixed. Rev 2209.3: - Missing initialization in constructor of MDF4 class added to prevent crash while reading MDF file. - Speed enhancement while adding data to a queue during MDF read operation. - Reduction of memory usage. - Unnecessary progress outputs removed. - Missing data in tree structure after import from FEGER database fixed. - Importfilter for Dewesoft data updated to latest version. Rev 2209.2: - Convert all integer data types to hexadecimal values for display in value columns and tooltip of measurement window. - Give feedback to user by putting dots into the progress indicator for each 200 signals during export of MDF 3.2 to MDF 4.1. - Several improvements for AddOn workspace usage. - zLib1 library of MatLab API replaced with latest version ( Only for TurboLab 64 bit. Rev 2209.1: - Tooltip in measurement window displays correct hex / bin values in case of integer numbers. - Error while reading DS7 import files removed. - Error writing a "Range-to-Value" table in MDF4 export fixed. - Introduction of AddOn workspaces for switching between different sets of AddOns. - Xoraya converter updated to latest version. - Disallow selection of inappropriate color signals, i.e. for timestamped signals, both, data signal and color signal, must have time signals of equal length. Rev 2209.0: - Version scheme changed in order to represent release cycles => 7.2209.0 (major, minor, patch), where minor represents year and month of release. - Tooltip of signal cuves did not always display correct signal name as finding curve from cursor coordinates and curve color was limited to 25 curves. This restriction has been removed. - Support for time-stamped signals as color signals. - Time-stamped signals can be moved without moving the whole signal group now. - Possibility to show hex representation of integer numbers for measurement cursors. - Crash of 64 bit version of Imp2D filter fixed. - When working with MDF4 files with more than 65535 signals, no context menu appeared anymore for signals above 65535. This has been fixed. - *.wav file import adjusted to support new version of wav files created with Mobes 2.0. - Help text exteded to describe options of TL.ini and TL_ImportOptions.ini. - Do not use sample reduction block data of MDF files, if amount of samples is below a defined threshold. This threshold can be specified via registry key "SRLIMIT". By default a value of 100000 is used. - Trace2MFD4.dll: Do not display error messages as a dialog when the function is called from the post processor. Instead, error messages can be queried via a separate function. - Export of signals to MDF 4.1 could produce corrupt CCBLOCKs in some cases. This has been fixed. Rev 6.057: - A problem with unpacking large (> 2GB) data containers has been fixed. - Previously missing request texts from AUTOSAR files are now also imported. Rev 6.056: - *.wav export: Bug fix when exporting MOBES noise data as WAVE. - File store: After selecting a signal from the signal tree via search dialog it was not possible to jump to the next signal using the arrow keys. This problem has been fixed. - Open layout: When trying to open a layout from the list of recently used files which no longer exists, a very generic error message was issued. This error message has been adjusted accordingly. - BusDBMgr.dll: The 64-bit version of this DLL has been renamed (64 removed) for standardization. Rev. 6.055: - zlib.dll and similar: A vulnerability was detected for all kinds of zlib code. All TurboLab functions were updated to v 1.2.12. The MatLab Lib libmx.dll uses zlib1.dll. It is unclear if zlib1.dll is also affected. The usage in TurboLab can not create the known problem (lond and distributed destinations). - Compiler: Returned to VS 2019 Rev. 6.054: - Reading time-stamped signals: For old file formates and large files a read error could occur. - Script execution: If string length is larger than the maximum (254 chars), the string is truncated when saving function parameters. Rev. 6.053: - A problem with concatenation of signals was removed (differing data types). - Option "Initialize signals when used": An error with date related display was removed. Rev. 6.052: - MDF4: A problem with caching of signals data was removed. It occurred only if all signals were equidistant (i.e. had no time stamps). Rev. 6.051: - MDF4 data types: Signals with string data types are ignored. Rev. 6.050: - New copyright - Changes for Arcos containers Rev. 6.049: - Filtering data: A specified new delta t was irgnored. - MDF4: A new internal flag defines the state "time zone unknown". When exporting MDF4 this information will be transferred to the new MDF4 file. Rev. 6.048: - MDF4 Export: The novalue definition could be lost, when an MDF4 file was exported to MDF4 (if data structure remained unchanged). Rev. 6.047: - MDF4 Export: Events of the source file were omitted, if the event scope was on a group rather than the whole file. - File View: A problem with unwanted tree collapse was removed. Rev. 6.046: - MDF4 Export, Concatenation: If the source file contaisn events, these are copied to the destination file. - MDF4 Export, Trace Import: Signal with bit texts could cause a crash, if the bit text was undefined (null ptr). Rev. 6.045: - Export: Performance improvement - Export (DIAEXTENDED): The header numbers have more decimals (15 vs. 6). Rev. 6.044: - Reading ASCII Trace Files: Leading tabs in lines are now ignored. - Reading MDF4 Buslogging Files: The option "Update" has blocked the reading of MDF4 Buslogging files. The problem is removed. - Reading MDF4 Buslogging Files: Additional changes for bus number virtualization. Rev. 6.043: - Reading Trace Files: The reading of the bus assignments file could stop TurboLab (Scripts, internal status file). The error ist removed. Rev. 6.042: - Sometimes the icon for changed signals (*) in file view was not shown. - After using the position bar the sub-window number disappeared. - During sub-windows RESET the full time range of XY curves was not set. - During startup TurboLab changed registry settings. If a second instance of TurboLab does the same, problems will occur. Now it is possible for these special applications to set the value NoWaitRegistry to 0 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\TurboLab\7.0\Settings. In earlier versions the default value was 0, so this is a logical change. Rev. 6.041: - Trace Data: Error removed. - Debug windows: Integers are displayed in decimal and hexadecimal format. Rev. 6.039: - Missing ql.mdf in last version. (Rev. 6.038: Version clash) Rev. 6.037: - Error removed (export of small data blocks in MDF4 format) - Trace Data (BLF-, ASCII- and MDF4-Buslogging files): Bus number can be in the range from 1 to 65535. This change affects all functions dealing with this type of data (open, export, split). Rev. 6.036: - Cursor: New option for display of values of invisible signals. - New: Script function numstrcmp() for sorting strings with trailing numbers. Rev. 6.035: - Script editors: F9 fot Toggle Breakpoint now work in 64 version also. New: F9 can be used in the Trace window as well. Rev. 6.034: - Trace data ASCII coded (Carmen): Extended IDs were not recognized. (Please note: ASCII coding or Trace data is extremely error-prone.) Rev. 6.033: - MDF4: Two possible errors removed. Rev. 6.032: - Table Signal Parameters: Mulitselection with Copy & Paste is now possible - Export in BLF format: Errors removed, special characters are removed from CAN-DBC. Rev. 6.031: - Script function ql.ConcatMDF4s(): Error removed (wrong time range). - MDF4 with string signals: Error removed. Rev. 6.030: - New compiler version VS2022 Rev. 6.029: - Script function GetSaveFileName(): Preset file name are shown in the dialog. - Tables in dialogs: All tables were replaced by another tool. Rev. 6.028: - File View: New template for Flexray timings: = Slot-ID decimal - MDF4: The interpretation of comment blocks (data type STRING) as events may be suppressed by setting bit 11 in the variable MDF4_BITS (cf. MDF4_Tuner.tsx) Rev. 6.027: - File View: Descriptions did not appear - still some missing... - Dependencies: Some dependet signals appeared twice. Rev. 6.026: - Sub-window export to MDF4: An error was removed. Rev. 6.025: - The known error during printing of tables as part of layouts is removed. Rev. 6.024: - File View: Descriptions did not appear - still some missing... - Export to MDF3.3: Time ranges are evaluated in µs (this avoids that signals disappear during exports). - Known error: When printing tables as part of layouts, black areas may appear. This is under construction... Rev. 6.023: - Crash with small SR blocks removed. - File View: Descriptions did not appear - solved. Rev. 6.022: - MDF4: Changes for future versions - MDF4/3: Problems with handling of floating point values solved (breaking change in compiler version). - File View: Descriptions of trace data are mapped on MDF4 SI contents. This allows to fill columns for both types of files. Rev. 6.021: - MDF4 Buslogging: An error could lead to incorrect delta-t minima. The error is removed. Rev. 6.020: - MDF4: Comment blocks (data type STRING) are interpreted as events and may be processed the same way. - MDF4: A memory leak was removed. Rev. 6.019: - Known issue (64 bit pnly): In the table Ctrl-C does EDIT (F2) rather than COPY. Workaround: Use menu or toolbar functions. - Error initializing signals removed. - Saving file view as CSV: Error removed. - MDF4 arrays: 2 error removed (naming and handling of bit texts) Rev. 6.017: - MDF4 Optimisations for large files: The script MDF4_Tuner.tsx allows the selection of three new options: - Signals (Groups) are initialized when used - Allow group selection - Read files memory mapped (useful for 64 bit version) - MDF4 Arrays: A "[0]" is appended to the first array signal. - File view: Context menu "Files" has a new entry "Save view...". This function saves all files/soruces/signals to a CSV file. Filter settings are noted. - File view: The search now can include wildcards (*, ?) - Trace2Mdf.dll: This DLL now processes mixed (signals and bus logging) MDF4 files. Rev. 6.016: - Reading MDF4: Optimized for files with numerous small buffers. - Reading MDF4, 64 bit version: Memory optimized for speed - FEGER, 64 bit version: Loading layouts is now possible. Rev. 6.015: - Import FLM: Error in 64 bit version removed. Rev. 6.014: - Trace data: Environment variables (integer only) will be skipped (unknown error). Rev. 6.013: - 64 bit version: An error in Display Helper was removed (Y signals were not found). Rev. 6.012: - Database browser (proprietary): Dialog size conserved - Changed error handling for imported files. Rev. 6.011: - Change in FilterPack 2 for Stiegele MDF files (handling of corrupted files). - Generation of new scripts: Error in function OnExit() removed. Rev. 6.010: - DS7 Import filter: New vendor DLL - Db-Browser: Changes in dialogue Rev. 6.009: - 64-Bit-Version: Changed the call of a COM object (FegerServer). Rev. 6.008: - DS7 Import filter: New vendor DLL - Trace files: Signals with Extended IDs were not processed (Fibex databases only). Rev. 6.007: - MDF4 files with sections: An error was removed - Script function xyinterpol(): Removed a (very old) error. Rev. 6.006: - MDF4 files with sections: Several errors were removed Rev. 6.004: - Searching for signals: In case of non-unique signal names (TurboLab name) it was possible that the correct signals were not found. From this versionon the long dipslay name is used to identify a signal. Rev. 6.001: - MDF4 files: Conversions of type IDENTITY could lead to NULL signals. - Trace files, Reading equidistant signals: Large signals could produce read errors. The problem is solved. - File export: When MDF4 to MDF4 was exported with limited time range, a crash could follow. The error is removed. Rev. 6.000: - This new revision uses new access methods for files and signals. Therefore, all parts of the program are affected, which should not be visible when using the software. - Onboard-Database parser: Supports now LIN in Autosar DBs. ==================================================================================== Rev. 5.229: - Trace export in ASCII format: CAN-FD message were exported up to 8 byte only. - 64-Bit version: The installation of file filters used an erroneous directory. Rev. 5.228: - Trace Import (PCAP): Error removed (Motorola stored signals) - Trace Import (PCAP): SOME-IP-TP blocks are ignored. Some later revision will support SOME-IP-TP. - MDF4 Time signals: The recognition of equdistant time signals was improved. Rev. 5.227: - Trace Import (PCAP): Error removed (Motorola stored signals) - New vendor lib (Dewetron) for DS7 files Rev. 5.226: - Trace Import (PCAP): SOME-IP blocks were not distinguished from other blocks. Now specific source port must be used. Rev. 5.225: - TDM Import: Error removed (interal data definition) - ASCII-Import: Changes for date/time formats - Info window - Search for time errors: Sometimes the wrong signal was tested. Rev. 5.224: - Changes in map display (OpenStreetMap) - Trace Import: An error in interpretation of telegrams in Motorola format was removed (8 bit signals, Autosar/Fibex DB only) - Trace-Import: Fehler bei Datenpaketen im Motorola Format beseitigt (8-Bit Signale, nur Autosar/FIBEX-DB) Rev. 5.223: - Removed an error in RPC-III import (FilterPack2.dll) - Removed an error in script function exit(). Rev. 5.222: - New vendor lib (Dewetron) for DS7 files - MDF4 file date: Entries for the 22. century are now supported. Rev. 5.221: - New vendor lib (Vector Information) for trace files - Trace Import: An error in interpretation of telegrams in Motorola format was removed (Flexray with Fibex DB only) Rev. 5.220: - Neu vendor DLL for data files from the Xoraya logger. Rev. 5.219: - Update for ARCOS container (Textlog files). Rev. 5.218: - DS7 file import: New vendor DLL - Script function ConcatMDF4s(): Reimplemented. Rev. 5.217: - Error in MDF4 export removed Rev. 5.216: - Change for ARCOS Container format - Decimation: Signals with more than 4 Billion values are supported. - Trace file (ASCII format): Too large DLC values are limited to 8 (if not CAN-FD). Rev. 5.215: - Reading MDF4: AN error was removed (very large data files). Rev. 5.214: - Reading of MDF4: Improvements - Export to MDF4: Error in SR blocks removes (wrong block type in data block). Rev. 5.213: - Script function ConcatMDF4s(): Changed error conditions, final message box. Rev. 5.212: - Script function ConcatMDF4s(): Instead of a file array a directory may be specified. - Script function ConcatMDF4s(): Changed the generation of the time signals to avoid identical time stampes. Rev. 5.211: - The video interface DirectShow was replaced by Media Foundation. Rev. 5.208: - Change for ARCOS containers (trace files). - Removed a sizing error in scaling toolbar with maximized main window. Rev. 5.207: - Changes in 64 version for COM. - Script function edit_window(): This function was reanimated (it is really obsolete). - Change for ARCOS containers. Rev. 5.206: - Improvements in 64 version for COM. - Improvements for processing the dtat type unsigned int64. Basically this data typ cannot be represented by a double, which is the data type most used by TurboLab. However, an attempt is made to minimze deviations. - An error with the position bar was removed (a problem of mixed units on the X axis). Rev. 5.205: - Trace files: A possible crash reading Autosar database files was removed. - 64 bit version: Changes/improvements regarding COM - 64 bit version, trace files: An error reding Flexray signals was removed. Rev. 5.204: - MDF4.1: New ZIP algorithm - Signal Export: An error was removed (interactive use only). Rev. 5.202: - MDF4 Export: Optimized export of MDF4 to MDF4 - MDF4 Reading: Buffering for 64-Bit version improved. - Signals with conversion Rational Formula: 1. The algorithm to recognice linear trasnformations in a Rational Formula was improved. 2: Signals with Rational Formulas are now processed properly with SR blocks. - Display of matirx (Campbell graph): New option "colored dots" - Trace2Mdf.dll: Scalar generation corrected. Rev. 5.201: - Signal assignment lists & units file Default.ueq: Both list are now cached. This accelerates the opening of files with a large number of signals (> 500). - MDF4 Export: The optimization form version 5.200 was removed - some signals with exotic transformations caused problems. Rev. 5.200: - MDF4 Export: Optimized export of MDF4 to MDF4 - Opening MDF4 files: Improved min/max finding. Rev. 5.199: - A possible crash exporting MDF4 files will be avoided. - MatLab import: The evaluation of the file date was changed. - CSV files (ASCII): These files appear now in the "Recent Data File List". The last parameters used will be reused. - Script editor: The cursor position, the first visible line, and the bookmarks are saved and restored for script sources (*.tsc). Rev. 5.198: - Median filter: This filter now supports time-samped signals. - "Filter" Moving Average: This function ignored calculation factors and offset. This was corrected. The use of this function in real applications is not recommended due to the poor transfer properties of the Moving Avarage algorithm. Use IIR filters instead. Rev. 5.197: - the help text for script devolopment was updated. - Script: MeasureEx() now uses the initial positions and fills TurboLab variables with the cursor values (cf. cursor names). Rev. 5.196: - New file type for ARCOS containers (special format). Rev. 5.195: - MDF4 files, signals with combined cpnversions text table and factor/offset: "value range to text" conversions and linear conversions, which are defined as rational formulas (CC_T_RATIONAL), are now supported. Rev. 5.194: - Import filter FilterPack2, MDF format (Stiegele Datensysteme): 64 bit integers are now supported. Rev. 5.193: - Cursor: The handling of single-value signals was improved. - MDF4 files: Channel groups without MASTER channel are now recognized. - Reading text files: The processing of time formats has been revisited. Rev. 5.191: - A problem with large signals was removed: Changing calculations could lead to unreadble data. - The 64 bit version now uses more memory to store temporary data. Rev. 5.190: - A performance problem with MDF4 files has been solved. - A zoom problem was removed (differing X scaling units) - Cursor: A problem with signals with X offset was removed. Rev. 5.188: - 64-Bit: A performance problem with MDF4 was removed. - Reading of MatLab files: An error from rev. 5.184 was removed. Rev. 5.187: - An error displaying vurves with novalues and line types was removed. - Subwindow export to ASCII: The output is now limited to the X axis range. - Processing MDF4 data: Some group structures could lead to read error. The reason was a memory leak. Rev. 5.186: - Reading MatLab files: Time signals are now used as time-stamps. "ZEITSTEMPEL" is used as file date (yyyy_mm_dd hh:mm:ss.mmm). - Subwindow Export: Some time signals were ignored. This was corrected. Rev. 5.185: - DS7/DMD import filter / TurboLab: Signals with one single value had erroneous X ranges. The problem is removed. Rev. 5.184: - Reading MatLab files: Invalid data values (NAN, INFINITE..) are interpreted as novalues. Rev. 5.183: - Error in range selection removed several functions were affected) - Missing error message added for time errors in MDF4 files. Rev. 5.182: - In the last revision the Trace2MDF4.dll was not updated. - A new variable "NOFILEVIEWUPDATE" allows o suppress all updates in the file view. This can make scripts run much faster. Rev. 5.181: - Trace data Ethernet: Some signals may be multiply defined. The only difference is the source (VLAN-ID). Ii is unclear how this will be handled in the future. - Filterpack 2, MDF format (Stiegele Datensysteme): Changes for newer files. - Script: Some functions, which pass pointers to TurboLab, had problems with byte-packing. These problems are solved. Rev. 5.180: - RPC III import/export, floating point only: An erroneous interpretation of scaling factors was removed. Rev. 5.179: - RCP III Import: 32-Bit Floating Point are now supported. - RCP III Export: The data may be exported as 32-Bit floats. To do so, a TurboLab variable RPCFLOAT must be defined and set to 1. Please note: Not all RPC-III-programs support RPC III floating point files. Rev. 5.178: - File View: When tree view was selected, the right click on a signal could pick the wrong signal, if several signals with identical display names were present. - Numerous changes and performance improvements for reading trace data /BLF or MDF4-Buslogging files). - Changes reading PCAP files (Ethernet traces): More signals will be recognized. - Reading TDMS files (DIAdem, LabView): A missing DLL is now included. Rev. 5.177: - Decimation: Signal with time offset were moved in time. This was corrected. Rev. 5.176: - Some more byte packing problems removed. Rev. 5.175: - Export in BLF format: New implementation because of memory usage. - Signal Export: An error was removed (Byte-Packing changes in compiler) - Enpty sub-window: Some properties were not reset. - Nee option: When a curve is closed the axis can be reset now (Window Options, VIEW window, in box "More options") Rev. 5.174: - Trace Data: Bitfields are handled more efficiently. There are no cvisible changes. - Log file: The Log file is now closed after writing, so that the content is always up to date. Rev. 5.173: - Export to Universal File Format: The sign of the exponents were discarded. Rev. 5.172: - 2D classification (script): For non-equidistant class definition is is now allowed to specify one axis only. - Output to PDF: The internal extents of the graphics were sometimes incorrect. This problem should be removed. Rev. 5.170: - Reading CSV files: Update for 64 version Rev. 5.169: - Changes in resetting XY curves - Changes in Campbell diagrams Rev. 5.168: - Campbell diagram: New options Rev. 5.167: - Optimized redraw logic. - Improved reading go CSV files. Rev. 5.166: - New GUI libraries linked. - TurboLab is created with the new devopment environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. - View of trace data (Info): An error in interpretation of Flexray signals was removed. - Import of picture files: Newer JPEG formats (Adobe) are not supported by the Windows libraries. These file are now converted and read as Bitmaps. Rev. 5.165: - Reading of MDF4: If an MDF4 file was currepted, TurboLab stopped reading too fast. Now TurboLab allows more errors in the files. - Moving signals: When moving signals with time-stamps, all signals in the file were moved. Now this is limited to the signals which use the same time-stamp. (Moving all signals is still possible.) Rev. 5.164: - File Info MDF4: Für Events werden jetzt auchdie Zeitpunkte ausgegeben. - File Info Trace data (BLF only): If a header is found, the start time and uncompressed data size is listed. Rev. 5.163: - Cursor values: Changes regarding arrow keys. Rev. 5.162: - The licence dialog was updated (from RTF to bitmap). Rev. 5.161: - Workaround for startup problem: When launched, TurboLab makes sure that no other instance of TL.exe accesses the registry. If this causes problems, the left CTRL key may be pressed while launching TL.exe. TurboLab then skips this test and sets the value "NoWaitRegistry" to 1 in the user's registry path for TurboLab. Rev. 5.160: - Cursor values: 2 changes (values found outside data, cursor skips pixel). Rev. 5.159: - MDF4 export: The flag CC_F_STATUS (Bit2, Status string flag) im CC blocks was not set. This concerns only signals with bit texts and conversion. - EDAS files: Changes in import filter (EDAS.dll) Rev. 5.158: - Trace data: Error removed for signals with mode signal (AUTOSAR only) - Trace data, info dialog: The dialog "Data Packages" shows the signal values (not yet fully tested) - Low Level Info for signals: New informationen for data definition. Rev. 5.157: - Cursor, function "Copy Value 1" in context menu: Text is now written without quotes. The value is taken from the curve (signal) in the table, where the mouse pointed to. If the point is outside a table item, the value is taken from the active curve. Rev. 5.156: - Trace data: Changes for signals with mode signal - MDF4 export of trace data: Improved group assignment - Script: Access to File View via FH_HelperSet() and FH_HelperGet() (cf. UH_HelperSet() and UH_HelperSet()). - Filter in File View: Error with empty string removed. - Error removed in function "Replace by ...". Rev. 5.153: - ASCII export: The time format for values above 100.000 is now more accurate . - MDF4 export: 24 signals (unsigned) were exported with less bits than required. Rev. 5.152: - An error with MDF3 files was removed. - For files with more than 10.000 signals: The check of uniqueness of signals names has been droped. Rev. 5.151: - MDF4 split files: An error in signal duplication was removed. Rev. 5.150: - File view - Events: The name was not set in the list. - Cursor: Bit texts are now copied to the clipboard (if selected). - Cursor: New context menue netry "Copy value 1": Copies the first value (Y1) of the active curve to the clipboard. Rev. 5.149: - Trace data: Hiding the multiplexer signals blocked the proper description of these signals. The problem has been removed. Rev. 5.148: - AUTOSAR onboard databases: Improved identification of novalues. - Trace data: Unsigned bit data were assigned too large data types (e.g., unsigned int 24 instead of unsigned int 16). Rev. 5.147: - AUTOSAR onboard databases: Parser supports CONTAINED-I-PDUs. Rev. 5.146: - Generate Matrix from N signals, imporvement of script call: The sequence defined by the script was scrambled. - ASCII export of time-stamped signals: Improved synchonization. - MDF4 files with mixed data groups (signals and buslogging blocks): The signals of those blocks were discarded. Rev. 5.145: - MDF4.1 Buslogging Files: An error introduced in the last version was removed. Rev. 5.144: - Trace data & MDF4 Buslogging data: Improvements for mutliple novalue definitions - MDF4.x Data: Support for arrays with multiple levels (up to 10) (CN blocks linked by cn_composition link). Rev. 5.143: - Export of MDF3.3 files: An error was removed. - MDF3.x Log files: The context menu function in File View "Export as MDF4.x/BLF" now supports the export of the data packages directly into a BLF file. Rev. 5.142: - MDF3.x Log Files: The CAN-DBC-parser was improved. Rev. 5.141: - MDF3.x files: Two errors processing VTAB-Range conversions were removed. - Colors above 16: Corrections. Rev. 5.140: - Trace data & MDF4 Buslogging data: Improvements for mutliple novalue definitions - ASCII import: Improved memory usage, better preformance reading the data - ASCII export: 1. Much better output performance. 2. Smaller file size (unnecessary characters are suppressed). 3. For different measuring ranges, the maximum range is now selected (earlier versions: minimal). Missing values are replaced by the first/last values. 4. Output of trace files: The new sampling frequency should be somewhat higher than the frequency of the "fastest" signal - Copy window: In the context menu of the empty window there is a function to copy another window. If you activate another file, the curves are taken from this (for details cf. online help). Rev. 5.139: - Trace data: A deadlock was removed which happened with date axis. - MDF4 Buslogging data: Changes during read process for better recognition of novalues. - Power (FHT): Changes in the dialog, sometimes fields were not filled or filled incorrectly. Rev. 5.138: - Trace data: Changes in signal description. The last value of exported time signal could be shifted. - MDF4 files: The time stamp of signals with only one value is now considered equdistant. The time signal is no longer used. Rev. 5.137: - Text comments with legend: Colors > 16 are defined as \L\cccmmn with ccc as hex number. Colors > 16 are 256 ... Rev. 5.136: - Legend as table: More space is reserved for signal names. Rev. 5.135: - Trace- and MDF4-Buslogging files: Changes in the Fibex parser - Tables in Plot mode: Changes in calculation of sizes. The old method stays valid for scripts (compatibility). Rev. 5.134: - MDF4.x, Range to Text: Read & write support. - MDF4.x: A memory leak was removed. Rev. 5.133: - MDF4.x with Text Tables (Range to Text) are now supported. - An error in qa.statistics() was removed: The recognition of signals from MDF4 files with floating point data types could fail. - Breaking a running script (Ctrl-Break): A new key combination is possible: Alt-ESC (left Alt key). Rev. 5.132: - MDF3.3 and SR blocks: Not supported for 64 bit version (use MDF4.x instead). - Changing the X offset of a signal with SR block was ignored in drawing. - 2D classification with Excel table: If a name was specified, no result was generated. Now the table is saved first, then it works. - Error correction in statistics help chapter. - New algorithm for finding time values in non-euidistant time signals. Rev. 5.131: - MDF3.3 and SR blocks: A possible crash was removed. - LDF parser for LIN databases: Arrays for Init values are now supported. - Autosar Parser: An additional interpretation of the "standard" was implemented. Rev. 5.130: - MDF4 Buslogging Files: An error with large files (data contents > 3 GB) was removed. The error occurred in the 32 bit version only. Rev. 5.129: - Replace files in layout: Bottleneck removed. - Trace data, list of telegrams: error removed - New script function SetColor(): change the TurboLab color table - DS7 import: New vendor DLL Rev. 5.128: - Trace data (PCAP): A problem with 24 bit data was removed. - Trace data: The display of telegrams now includes CAN-FD. The busses involved can selected. Rev. 5.127: - DMD import: New version of filter (new vendor DLL v 3.2). Rev. 5.126: - Maps: Google Maps does not any more accept calls without keys. A key may be set in the dialog or script. The support for OpenStreetMap has been added. - Changes in the script help file - Import files: If an import file cannt be read (for whatever reason), an error message is displayed (only if no script is active). Rev. 5.122: - Trace data: Flexray signals with mode signals were slightly moved in time.. - ARCOS Container: The identification of onboard database files failed due to changes in case usage ("Channel" instead of "CHANNEL"). - New default value for curves: Line width Rev. 5.121: - Cursor: Changing a sub-window did not change the signal names in the cursor window, if both windows contained an equal number of curves. Rev. 5.120: - Conversion DLL for Trace data: A mssing dialog element as added. - Reading Trace data: A compiler optimization which caused problems was removed. Rev. 5.119: - A parser error for Autosar databases was removed: PDUs could be dropped. - Export: A scaling error was removed. - Error in BLF export removed: Equidistant signals wre not exported. Rev. 5.118: - 64-Bit Version: F1Wrapper.exe was updated with current compiler version. Rev. 5.117: - DS7 Import Filter: New method for DLL loading Rev. 5.116: - DS7 Import Filter: Problems with a new vendors DLL in 5.115. The filter was rebuilt. Rev. 5.115: - A parser error for Autosar databases was removed: PDUs could be dropped. - Fibex and Autosar databases: The definition of multiple novalue ("CONSTRAINTS") is now supported (slowes down the processing speed). In TurboLab all those values are treated as novalues, when exported to MDF4, the original value remains in the record, ans the invalid bit is set. Rev. 5.114: - Drawing of Min/Max bars in Plot mode: An error which occured with novalues was removed. - Trace Data: Changes in novalue definitions. Rev. 5.113: - Export to MDF3.x: Some flags were still set so that subsquential action could fail. - Trace Data: New option to discard signal which are outside of DLC range (not enough data received). - Context menu Signal in File View: Nee option "Low level info" for debug usage. Rev. 5.111: - AUTOSAR: More changes - VIEW: Hidden signals will now be made visible, if the windows shows only the axis of the active curve. - Script: New function LoadSAL(): Loads and unload a Signal Assignment List. Rev. 5.110: - Rev. 5.109 was packed with an erroneous BusDBMgr.dll. Rev. 5.109: - Optimization of lyout updates after closing files. - Trace data: Errors with somewhat exotic data types have been removed - Export to MDF4: Errors with somewhat exotic data types have been removed - Script Editor: Neuw function in context menu: "Go to Definition" for functions. Rev. 5.107 - A possible error when loading layouts was removed. Rev. 5.106 - BLF files containing Application Triggers could lead to prorgam crashes (32 bit version only). Te problme is removed. - BLF splitting: The splitting of BLF files now transfers telegrams containing Application Triggers. Rev. 5.105 - New script function AutoScaleWindow(). - New script functions for creation and modification of XML files (XML*()). - Changes in Min/Max definition of Mobes Slow data. - An error opening curve from scripts was removed (erroneous axis assignments). Rev. 5.104 - Export of trace data to MDF4.x: Numerous changes to mirror the original trace data as close a possible. - An error drawing very small axes was removed. - MDF3: It was possible that a PR block was created large than 64 kB. This will not happen any more (MDF3 still hat 64K limits). Rev. 5.102 - Trace data: Various changes - DS7 import: New DLL - MDF4 export: Changes concerning novalues Rev. 5.101 - Changes in fuction Signal export (ql.export() also affected): The search for selected signals is now limited to the TurboLab signal name; the alias and display names are ignored now. - Script editor: Some minor changes for better workflow. Rev. 5.100 - Script function PQS calculation: Errors corrected Rev. 5.099 - Grid lines for all Y axises are now possible. - MDF4 export of novalues: When novalues are exported, the novalue definition is now exported, if it can be respresented by the data type. Rev. 5.098 - New Script function sys.GlobalMemoryStatus(..) to query the system memory status. - Trace import of BLF files: Two errors regarding BLF variables and triggers were removed. - Background of Plot objects: Freely defined colors are supported now. - Colored curves: A memory error was removed. Rev. 5.097 - New script function sys.SetINIPath(string path) to set the path for all INI files. Rev. 5.096 - Trace import of Ethernet (PCAP) files: Possible crashes caused by erroneous data packets are now catched. - Parsing of Fibex 4.1.1 (Ethernet) data bases: The creation of unnecessary signals without names is now suppressed. - MDF4_BITS (variable for MDF4 files): A new bit (Bit4, 0x10) suppresses the creation of SR blocks. Rev. 5.095 - MDF4 export of trace data: The SI content was reduced. - Some less important changes. Rev. 5.093 - Container Files: The loading of layouts with trace data was improved. - Changes for setting file view options from scripts. - New script function OutputDebugString() to write text to a debug tool. - Invalid date values from data files are now replaced by the OS file date/time. Rev. 5.092 - Trace Import: Signals with a single bit text, which marked the novnovalue, could crash TurboLab. - MatLab files: The script function ql.get_file_info() now return the real file name. - Script calls of properties of COM objects: An error was removed. - Time shifting signale: Time-stamped signals are now handeled correctly. Rev. 5.091 - Changes in novalue processing: Old workaround have been removed, because there were potential problems with trace data. - Tooltips for curves & events are now visible with active cursor. - Trace-Import CAN-FD: Older time codings (10 µs) are now supported. - Some smaller optimizations Rev. 5.089 - Nee functions for the TurboLab COM server: ExecScriptFunction() to execute script statements, INIPath (get/put) to set the path of INI files (concerns TL.INI and TL_ImportOptions.ini). Rev. 5.088 - Trace Import of CAN-FD ASCII format only): A misleading definition in the format specification was interpreted by TurboLab in a way that the results were unusable. Now TurboLab uses th other interpretation. Rev. 5.087 - Script debugging: Erroneous time values were removed. The trace dialog displays a value of the time elapsed between execution stops (contains overheads in the range of some milliseconds). - New script function TimeShiftFile() to shift a file in time (X scaling). Rev. 5.086 - Script function ExtractMDF4(): The parameter .version may have bit 15 set; this will the file without any data blocks (header only) - A memory leak was removed (edit axis). Rev. 5.085 - A possible crash (median filtering) was removed. - File export: The time range can be limited (MDF4 export formats only) - 2D classification: If the Y signal is left blank, a 1D classification is calculated (the DIN classification does not allow time-stamped signals, so this is a work-around for 1D classification with time-stamped signals). - New import DLL for DS7 file import - Internal: New flag for MDF4 bus logging files. Rev. 5.084 - Support for the DMD format used by DEWESOFT Software (as part of the DS7 filter) Rev. 5.083 - Parwsing Autosar database files: An error was removed. - New script function memove() for special use-cases. Rev. 5.081 - Find events: Not all paramters were set properly. - A possible deadlock creating layouts via script was removed. Rev. 5.080 - Export of MDF4 files as BLF: An error in generating the DBC was removed (signed/unsigned) - Date/Time problems with MDF4 were solved Rev. 5.079 - XY curves with color signals: Unequal sampling rates are now supported. - Export of MDF4 files as BLF: Improvements in memory management - Export as MDF4: Bit texts of bit fields are no longer transported to MDF4, because MDF4 has no specification for bit fields. - MDF4 export of sub-windows with date axis:: The time value are now writte correctly. Rev. 5.078 - A problem generating SR blocks (MDF4 export) was removed. Rev. 5.077 - An error in the script function ConcatMDF4() was removed. - PCAP Trace Data: An rrror reading data telegrams was corrected. Rev. 5.076 - MDF4 Export: Additional information of trace data will be transferred. - Reading MDF4: An error interpreting ARCOS data was corrected. Rev. 5.074 - Trace import: The import of PCAP (VLAN) files was revisted. - Trace import: CAN-FD trace files are now suported (BLF-, ASCII- and MDF4-Buslogging files) - Filterpack1 & FAMOS files: Inknown keys are now skipped. - TurboLab variables enable the publishing of progress display. Rev. 5.073 - Changes for internal import of trace data. Rev. 5.072 - Trace file with negative time offsets are now processed, although this is incorrect, because the data type is unsigned __int64 in the BLF specification. - Internal trace import: Equal signal names were not mangled with the signal number. - Replacement of files in layouts: 2 errors were removed. Rev. 5.071 - Trace file in text format: The interpretation of the channel number is now always decimal (hex is deprecated). (cf. docs of Vector Informatik GmbH) - Script extension "Split-Trace": Export of ASCII files. - New color option: Blcoak background for VIEW mode. - Additional contents of MDF4 SI blocks can selected in the file view. - Layouts which used trace data could not be opened properly. - Some other smaller changes. Rev. 5.068 - Trace-Import (Import of onboard bus telegrams): Earlier versions used the import filter "TraceImport". This version now read in Trace Data directly. - The loading of layouts, which used old import filters, failed. The problem is removed. - Export of MDF4 files: Combines conversions (text table & linear transformation) are now exported correctly. - A crash when switching to printer mode was removed. Rev. 5.066 - Some update problems were solved (loading layouts with 3D charts) - New template for layouts containing VIEW and PLOT objects - New: Definition of signal type for calculations - Improvements when loading data base files. Rev. 5.064 - Support for new data types with Drag&Drop: .GPL (Plot template), .CSV (CSV files, Text) - MDF4: Support for virtual data channels - Time shifts a Layouts: Numerous smaller changes and improvements Rev. 5.063 - Calculating formulas: The dialog is now modal, which mean you cannot click otside the dialog window. Instead we have added tooltips for the buttons, and a new button for quick signal selection. - Calculating formulas: The function Caculate supports now blockwise processing. The block range is defined either by a marker channel or the sweep length. - Export to MDF4: Bit texts are now exported even for non-discrete signals. - An error loading layouts was removed. The display of curve using a marker channel was lost, if the marker channel had no ending condition. - Onbord databases: The export of LIN definition to CAN DBC wrote DLC values of 0. The error is removed. (There remain some incompatibilites between LIN and CAN which cannot be resolved) Rev. 5.061 - Trace Import: The data type ascii8 was handled incorrectly with AUTOSAR databases. Rev. 5.060 - Trace Import: AUTOSAR databases contain "dummy" signals without information. These are now ignored. - Printing: A new function allows to print several layouts to a single PDF file with multiple pages. Rev. 5.059 - Export of BLF files to MDF4: Bit field conversions are no more exported. - Script function calculate(): If the resulting data type was BYTE, a crash followed. The problem is removed. - Reading MatLab files, which are referenced in Layouts: A read error was reported since Rev. 5.043. The problem is removed. - 64-Bit Version: The display of the contents of onboard database files works now correctly. - 64-Bit Version: Storing and loading of Layout, which referenced Trace-Data, created erroneous signal names. The problem is removed. Rev. 5.058 - New option for Trace-Import: Multiplexer signal can be made visible/not visible. - Some improvements handling on-board network databases. Rev. 5.057 - The drawing of signals with coloring could crash the software. The problem is solved. Rev. 5.056 - Some improvements handling on-board network databases. - New option for Trace-Import: The conversion of signals with 1 data point to scalars can now be suppressed. - Bit fields from Fibex databases were not handlec be TurboLab. This has been changed. - A problem with DS7 data was remode; new libraries are now included. - The display of time-stamped signals with color signal is erroneous. This is not allowed any more. A future version might support this feature. Rev. 5.055 - An error in script function DaffWrite() was removed. A new parameter has been added. Rev. 5.054 - Export to BLF format: An error was removed. - Writing XLSX files: An error was removed. - Dialog-Callbacks: Up to version 7.5.053 it was impossible to call a callback function inside a dialog, which was created from within a callback function. This is now possible. - 64-Bit-Version: A problem with the byte packing was removed (concerning a struct in MDF3 files). Rev. 5.053 - A change in Rev. 5.045 created a problem for the script function export(). This was solved. - Trace-Import: The data display (Info) now shows error frames. - Export to BLF format: Some errors were removed. Rev. 5.052 - An error in the script function XLSXCellArray() was removed. Rev. 5.051 - An error in BLF import was removed (important only for BLFs with trigger information) Rev. 5.050 - A new group of script functions allows limited access to MDF4 blocks. Rev. 5.049 - Script execution: The string concatenation (str = str1+"Test";) could fail if the result had more than 254 characters (254 ist teh maximal length of strings in TSL). - An error concernig the curve defaults was removed. - Export of file as BLF (binary log file) with a CAN-DBC (for exotic requirements only) Rev. 5.048 - MDF4: Parts of the comment could disappear. Rev. 5.047 - A possible optimisation using SR blocks was ignored due to an error. Rev. 5.046 - MDF4: A somewhat exotic flavour of teh format was handled incorrect. - Display helper: Better support for XY display of signal groups. Rev. 5.045 - Change for the dialogs Signal Export, Close Curves and Activate Curve. - Export to XLSX: Strings with special characters are filtered: Character which cannot be converted for Excel are displayed as '.'. Rev. 5.044 - MDF4: Normally, signals with a single value are converted to scalars. Sometimes an erroneous time signal was detected (which was not treu), and the signal was descarted. - Creating new layout ans switching between layouts: The internal handling of pointers could cause crashes. The problem is solved. Rev. 5.043 - MatLab Import: The import of MatLab files is no longer part of the FilterPack1; this format now is handled internally by TurboLab (removes lot's of problems with DLLs - aka the 'DLL hell'); - Some optimizations for loading/sorting of data files. Rev. 5.039 - MDF4 Buslogging Files: Optimized opening process Rev. 5.038 - Problems with "Points Of Interest" and date display were removed. - An error parsing Fibex databases was corrected (missing signals) Rev. 5.034 - MDF4- Info -> Data: Virtual channels were display with errors if physical values was selected. The conversion rule was applied twice. - MDF4- Info -> SI blocks: For Channel Groups and Channels SI blocks are now displayed. - Trace-Import, Onboard data bases: If Fibex files contained more than one bus, ECUs were used only for the first bus which used it. This covered ECUs, if not all busses where assigned a data base. Rev. 5.033 - Two less important problem with loading/saving tables were removed. - MDF4 file info: Enhanced information (Header, SI blocks). - Splitting of MDF4 files: New date/time calculation rules (all UTC). Rev. 5.032 - Missing DLLs of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 are now installed (required for Matlab- import/export). - Two errors loading MDF4 files with events were removed. Rev. 5.031 - FilterPack2, MatLab files: Error while reading data are now catched and the signals are shortened. - Function Index (script and interactive): Small numbers of data point were not sorted correctly. - Splitting if MDF4 files: An error was removed (erroneous optimization). Rev. 5.030 - A possible error when creating layouts by scripts was removed. - An error in PDF export (script) was removed. - An error regarding window/curve export to ASCII/Excel was removed. - Cursor values from signals with bit-texts: Values without text werer display as integers, now a floating point values. Rev. 5.028 - New function for formula calculation: TrueFor( expression, t). Returns 1, if "expression" was true for at least "t" X units. - Fehlerbereinigung bei Script-Funktion findfirst(): Teilweise wurde nicht -1, sondern 0 zurückgegeben, wenn keine passenden Dateien gefunden wurden. Rev. 5.027 - Changes in the help files. - Google Maps was unusable in the last revision. - Changes for reading trace data containers - New version of vender DLL for DS7 files Rev. 5.025 - MDF4: Catching errors in corrupt MDF4 files was improved. - Envelopes: A new option for drawing the Y mean curve (XY only) Rev. 5.023 - Statistics table contained bogus characters when writte in files. - Marker lines at X axis: The position is now changed according to date display. - The line style of curves displayed as "stairs" was not used. This has changed. - DIAdem files (old format DIAEXTENDED): Header files (.dat) in Unicode format are now read properly. - The processing of Signal Assignment Tables could slow down the reading of files. The problem is solved (cf. Default.sal). Rev. 5.022 - An error in the script function curvefit() was corrected (code change to Unicode). Rev. 5.021 - A possible crash with videos was removed - Trace Import: New function Reopen Files to change the sequence of onboard data bases (the DB listed first wins). Rev. 5.020 - Google Maps: The seclected color and line thickness will be used from this version on. - Trace Import: An error with ASCII trace files and extended IDs was rmoved (better use BLF files instead of ASCII). Rev. 5.019 - The script function map_value() returns now correct values for log axes. - An error while replacing files was corrected. - MDF4: The CN_F_ALLINVALID flag was not recognized in some contexts. - File view: Sorting has been parallelized. Rev. 5.018 - It is now possible to set the IE version used for Google Maps Rendering: Use "IEVersion" and set a DWORD value (11000 -> IE 11). - Limts the nukber of open videos to 6. - MDF4: Support for attachments (AVI). Rev. 5.017 - A dialog with bogus characters was repaired (Svae Methods). - The script recording did not work properly. - Maps via Google Maps API create problem again. By using IE 8 and suppressed error reporting it might be usable for a while. Rev. 5.016 - The script function ChangeFont(n) was revived (fonts for graphics and script dialogues). - Ein Speicherleck beim Laden von Events in MDF4-Dateien wurde beseitigt. Rev. 5.015 - Loading QLLs: Signals without dsiplay names crashed TurboLab (Workaround: Drag QLL over the layout and drop it). Rev. 5.014 - Optimization for MDF4 data with SR blocks when autoscaling is active - MDF3 Info: Output of bogus characters was corrected. Rev. 5.013 - An interpreation error with CAN bus data was removed (concerns only Fibex Switch definitions) - Bus data: Improved metghod for database assignment to busses. - In Plot view it is now possible to pin objects. - An error identifying import filters was removed. Rev. 5.012 - A possible deadlock while auto sacling was removed. - The script function GetOpenFileName() sorted the selected files names diffferntyl than the older revision 7.4.x. This was changed - sorting is now alphabetical in ascending order. - Some scaling function were adjusted for XY hull curves. Rev. 5.011 - MDF4: An rrror reading exotic files was removed. - Cursor: The cursor did not show up in XY diagrams. - A new function XSLCCellArray() exports a string array to a single Excel cell. - The Script SplitTrace allows the selection of a frame ID while splitting. - Include file tslc.tsh: Some #defines for querying signal properties were missing. Rev. 5.010 - MDF4: Array with bit-text lists caused a crash when the file was closed. - MDF4: If data groups with array definitions contained simple signals, then these signals were skipped. This behaviour was changed. - The import of text file via the old import function (interactive: Data | Open..; Script: open_import()) did not work since 7.5. This problem was removed. - Reading dialog data with DlgLoadData() failed if the data came from the registry. As a consquence the scripts were clobbered internally and could not be executed correctly. - Printing to PDFs from scripts: Existing files were overwritten regardsless of the user's response. This was changed. Rev. 5.009 - Marker lines (axises): 2 errors were removed. - Video: A problem in the script function was eliminated. Rev. 5.008 - Script function ConcatMDF4: An incorrect time signal was generated. - XY curves: The selected time could change inadvertedly. - Settings: New defaults for initial curve display. - New setting for XY curves: For X signals, which have a sawtooth form, the connection of value paires with decreasing X may be suppressed. Rev. 5.007 - A crash reading MDF4 files with SR blocks was removed. - Internal changes for maps via Google & AMap. - Video windows are now saved in Layout files and restored at loading time. Rev. 5.006 - A processing error with data containers was removed (assignment of Fibex files) - The creation of multiline comments in Plot failed. Rev. 5.005 - Incorrect handling of Umlaute in scripts was eliminated Rev. 5.004 - An error in ql.activate_curve() was removed. - Incorrect handling of Umlaute in scripts was eliminated - Oktave analysis is available from menu Analysis | Transform (description in help file) Rev. 5.003 - Output of JPEG graphic files was not working. - Script: Function system() used wrong parameters. Rev. 5.002 - Export MDF4.x: A problem was removed (XY data with timestamps) - Reading MDF4.1 data: A problem was removed. Rev. 5.001 - File export: Some formats could net be exported anymore. - IAD-Import (Ipetronik ipemotion): Novalues were misinterpreted. Rev. 5.000 Please note: This revision has numerous changes. Before you install this version, make sure you have an older version available in case you encounter problems. General: · New compiler (Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2015) · Internal code uses Unicode (16 bit character set) · Modifications for Windows 10 · Lots of smaller improvements Data · Extended support for MDF4 files (arrays, classifications, bus logging data) · All export functions support MDF 4.0 and 4.1 · All export functions support signals with time-stamps. · Extended parallel computing when reading and processing data. Script · Interface for creation of Microsoft Excel .xlxs files. Rev. 4.049 - Google Maps has lauched a new API which doesn't agree with TurboLab. Now the old API is used. Rev. 4.048 - A toolbar error of the file view was removed. - Flexray data: Bitfields are recognized. - Trace data: Signal values are treated as novalues if the frame is too short for the signal. Rev. 4.047 - An error during the build process of the last revision was corrected. Rev. 4.046 - Trace-Import: Improvements of PCAP interpretation (arrays of structures) - Some smaller internal changes Rev. 4.044 - DS7-Import: New DLL from producer - Trace-Import: Improvements of PCAP interpretation (arrays of structures) - Cursor: Colors were lost after window resizing. - Some other improvements. Rev. 4.043 - DS7-Import: Date/time are taken now from internal data structure. - Trace-Import: Support for PCAP traces (Ethernet packageswithe SOME/IP format). - MDF4: Optimization of SR block generation. - An error with loading/storing layout was removed (time range of XY curves) - Cursor: The cursor was not shown for XY curves (in non-active windows). - Some other improvements. Rev. 4.042 - Classification: A table can be create - File view: Filter for hiding contents - Other less important changes Rev. 4.041 - Script function ExtractMDF4(): If input is MDF4, the function snow much faster. - New: a filter for the file view. - Some less important errors were corrected. Rev. 4.039 - Some German error messages were translated. - A display problem after loading a layout was removed. - The map display of curve can use higher resolutions now. - The function Layout Reset now queries the user to confirm, because the action cannot be undone. In the options page for Layouts this query can be overruled. Rev. 4.037 - An error reading unspezified external data files was removed. The last scan in the file was ignored. - Script Debugger: An additional improvement for tooltips: The source window is now automatically activated when the mouse hovers over the window). Rev. 4.036 - MDF4.1: Processing of invalid bits: An error (over-optimization) was removed. - Script Debugger: Tooltips now work much better (don't firget to activate the source window). Rev. 4.035 - MDF4.1: Small change for SR block generation - The script function QuerySignal() returns now long ans short display names. Rev. 4.034 - MDF4.1: Numerous changes for SR block creation - set_file_props(): Corrections for signals without values - Script: While opening a data file some messages appeared regardsless of error level settings. This was corrected. Rev. 4.033 - Script function ConvertTime(): This function added the daylight saving time regards of the real time. This was corrected. - New tooltip for Comments in file view. Rev. 4.032 - MDF3 files: The generation of Novalue definitions is suppressed if the file defines that there are no novalues. - File view: The tree could display wrong hierarcies. Rev. 4.031 - Video window: Closing the frame windows was incomplete. Rev. 4.030 - Video window: The position of the last video window will be restored. - Script function GetMultipleFiles(): Two new buttons allow sorting of files. - A display proböem with SR blocks (MDF files) was removed. Rev. 4.029 - Famos Import: Scalars are now supported, a parser error was removed. - BLF files from ARCOS: The special handling of date/time details was removed, because is was misleading. Rev. 4.028 - A new Script function GetMultipleFiles() allow the selection of multiple files from multiple directories. - Files view: Comment and scalar values are displayed as branches in the tree. Rev. 4.027 - Trace-Import: A problme with float values was removed. - A rounding problem of the cursor display was removed.. Rev. 4.026 - Trace-Import: Extended CAN IDs in ASCII files are now recognized. - Script: QuerySignal() can return group names and numbers. - An slightly incorrect X value was displayed by the cursor (only equdistant signals). Rev. 4.025 - Trace-Import: A problem with Extended CAN IDs was solved. Changes in user interface. - BusDBMgr.dll: A problem with Extended CAN IDs was solved. CAN-DBCs may be generated from LIN LDF files (File | Onboard network data bases...) - File import PAtools: New implementation, imports also measurements (*.patools). Conatins an import for Uniplot files. Rev. 4.023 - Trace Import: Less critical parser for DBCs. - MDF4.x and SR Blocks: Changes for generation and display - Script: New set of functions for reading (parsing) XML files. - FAMOS Import: Increased error tolerance while reading - DS7 Import: New OEM-Lib - Multilog-Helper: Now regarding delays in videos Rev. 4.021 - Changes in Trace import for multiplexed signals. - Changes with 2D classification using filters (non-equdistant signals) - Changes when drawing using SR blocks (MDF4 files). Time offsets ans date axes). - Loading layout templates: If reset was chosen, the time range of XY curves was not reset. This now will be done. - Time shifting of curves on the X axis: Units other than "s" are now recalculated based on [s] Rev. 4.019 - The Script function SHFileOperation() handled the path length up to 127 characters only. This was extended to 254. Rev. 4.018 - A rare problem calculating signals was removed. - Calls to one of the functions of the printf() family without a format specification aborted TurboLab. Now a script error is generated. - A deadlock during closing of dependent files was removed. Rev. 4.017 - Trace-Import: Time delays introduced by X offset did not work. The problem is solved. - Several scripts (AddOns) queried the TurboLab version. This was removed. Rev. 4.016 - Display of data frames from trace files crashed. - Trace import: Info dialogs now in English. - DS7 Import: New reader DLL from Dewesoft. Rev. 4.015 - Generation of signal types (discret/logic) for Trace import and MDFx. Rev. 4.014 - Google Maps & AMap Support: Coordinate correction for China Rev. 4.013 - Scalars generation from MDF3 file sometimes failed. - Definition of multiple filters in scripts: An error was removed. - New: Somewhat limited support of AMap (similar to Google Maps). Rev. 4.012 - A change caused TurboLab to crash when DS7 files where opened. DAFF files were opened with invalid min/max values. The problem are solved. Rev. 4.011 - Trace-Import: Debug code (speed!) and some memory leaks were removed. - A change in cursor dislay was bad for bit texts - corrected. Rev. 4.010 - Trace-Import: Various changes concerning novalues and mode signals. Rev. 4.009 - Trace-Import: Application Trigger are converted to novalues only if they are found between messages. The first ans last Application Trigger message is ignored. (Application Trigger serve as separator betwenn measurement parts.) - A problem displaying maps with date-axes has be removed. - The script function ExtractMDF4() now supports the selection of signals. - The script help file was extended. Rev. 4.008 - Trace Import: Telegrams which are not completely received on teh CAN bus are now treated as novalues. - Trace-Import: Values which are distributed over byte boundaries (e.g., 15 bit across 3 bytes) could not be interpreted correctly. The problem is solved. - Trace-Import: 24 bit signals could cause a crash when the data was temporarly saved, which is the case for very large files. - Decimation: A problem of novalues as time-stamps was removed. Rev. 4.007 - FilterPack2: An unintialized variable could cause problems for RPC imports - Trace Import: Pathes of data base files are now filled in if missing. - A display error with novalues was removed. - A novalue problem in the decimation function was corrected. - 2 nee functions for the formula calculation: QSUM(a,b,...) and ASUM(a,b,...) calculate the (squared) sum of all signals in argument. Rev. 4.006 - Error in IAD import eliminated. - A problem with date related data and Google Maps was removed. - New for MDF4: Support of SR blocks for groups with virtual master channel. - New for MDF4: The MDF4 export now generates SR blocks. There are some values which miust be defined in the registry under "Settings": * SRLIMIT (DWORD) (e.g. 100000): If more than SRLIMIT msut be read the SR block is used for drawing. * SRFACTOR1 (DWORD) (e.g. 50): Multiplicator for sampling rate of first SR block * SRFACTOR2 (DWORD) (e.g. 10): Multiplicator for sampling rate of all other SR blocks SR blocks must have more than 1024 samples, otherwise they are not created. Rev. 4.005 - The import of Trace data now support Ethernet traces. Prerequisites are: Trace format is PCAPng, Protocol TCP or UDP, SOME/IP format used in data area. - A new option allows to convert UTC time to local time for MDF4 files. - The time zone of data files may be changed (new button in Fileview). - Some other problems were solved. Rev. 4.004 - A random display error with log axis (X & Y) was removed. - Improvement of fullt test search for signals in the file view - Ometimes events from MDF4 files did not appear. - The synchronisation of videos with measurement data did not work when the time was display as date. - When video windows were active, the cursor display could generate problems, which were removed. - Window export of time-stamped signals: Sometimes the exported signals had incorrect time stamps. Therefore, this feature has been disabled. - Copying data to the clipboard was improved. - Pasting data from the clipboard was improved. - The filter function "Moving Average" now suppoorts time-stamped signals. Rev. 4.003 - The Script function ExtractMDF4() created a memory leak. - The Script function find_event() initializes the delta min/max values of the time signal correctly. - Script functions of MultilogHelper: Improvements with file types. - MDF4 and Decimation: The invalid bits of MDF4 file were not recognized. Rev. 4.002 - A problem with CAN definitions from a Fibex file was solved: Sometimes the signals were assigned to another bus than intended by the Fibex definition. - MDF4: Signal comments as TX block are now supported (earlier versions supported MD blocks only). Rev. 4.001 - A new import filter for trace data from bus systems like CAN, LIN and Flexray replaces the old "TL_CAN_FIBEX.dll". The new filter supports Fibex 3.1 and very large (> 1 GB) files. The old TL_CAN_FIBEX.dll must be deleted (the installation program tries to do so). - Contents from TL_Importoptions.ini are moved to TL.ini: All settings for file import, which cannot be changed by the user, are moved to TL.ini. These sections are: [Options] [Ignore] [Name] [Time] [CAN] [Fx_CAN] [Fx_LIN] [Fx_Flexray] [MDF4_Default] [SourceTags] - Data bases for trace data are now managed differently: TurboLab keeps these in memory until the user deletes them ("On-board network data bases.."). This function also has an option to convert the new Fibex CAN definitions to the old DBC format (some limitations exists due to a lack of backward compatibility). - The file filters for MLab, MatLab, BMT-Logger, and RPC files were included in a new FilterPack2. The old filters must be deleted. - If the cursor is activated when the user switches to Plot mode, the cursor lines will be plotted in Plot mode also. Values in the legend are cursor values. - Keyboard: The TAB key switches between File view and Layouts.